What's new with Bridges-NYSED Programs?

Alongside the valuable resources Bridges has historically provided to New York State educators, we are excited to share some new updates and enhancements that will further enrich our offerings:

Bridges-CUNY National Newcomer Samples

The Bridges-CUNY National Newcomer Program is available to districts nationwide and is a pilot that holistically addresses the needs of SLIFE and newcomers through targeted assessment tools, culturally responsive curricula, and training in implementation and school-wide systems of collaboration for teachers and administrators.

Watch the video below to view sample resources from the ELA-ELD curriculum.

OELA Presentation

Bridges presented on Providing High-Quality Instruction and Support for Newcomer Students for the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) NCELA webinar series, along with our longterm labsite, Brentwood High School.

Click here to watch the recording.