Professional Learning for New York State Educators

Online and In-Person Training

What we offer:

1) Training on the Bridges sheltered curriculum.

2) A 6-session interactive course on Developing Responsive Classroom Communities for SIFE and Newcomer Learners. All teachers who work with Newcomer English learners are eligible to participate.

3) Coaching on classroom instruction and strategies.

All Bridges professional learning opportunities provide CTLE hours.

Who we serve:

Teachers and administrators across all regions of New York State. To date we have served over 1,200 educators.

Sheltered Curriculum Training

Teachers who join the Bridges cohort attend trainings throughout the school year. Administrators from schools that are new to the cohort attend one administrator training session.

Teachers attend four sessions designed to target language and literacy instruction and practice in a centers-based learning model:

  • Introduction to Stand-Alone ENL
  • Leveling Readers
  • Small Group Reading & Writing Instruction
  • Conferencing & Progress Monitoring

These four sessions support teachers to implement our language arts-based curriculum, Integrated ENL/ELA, designed to build academic thinking, language, and literacy for SIFE with Developing Literacy:

  • Overview of Curriculum & Resources
  • Developing Active Readers
  • Writing Instruction & Evidence-Based Feedback
  • Targeted Language Instruction

We offer professional development to bilingual administrators at the school, district, and regional level in order to strategize and plan around:

  • Intake and assessment procedures for SIFE with Developing Literacy

  • Support in implementation of the curriculum alongside teachers

Participants walk away with resources – and a community of practitioners to contact when setting up systems for their schools.

HLA professional development webinars and PLCs provide the opportunity to exchange with HLA colleagues from a variety of schools across New York State. In addition, individualized coaching sessions are available to support you in your specific contexts. Our coaching cycles include classroom observations, planning and debrief sessions (all currently remote), as well as data tracking and artifact collection.

Teachers attend three synchronous sessions and complete applied learning tasks asynchronously.

2023-2024 Cohort

If you are interested in joining the 2023-2024 cohort of teachers, sign up for the Orientation to Bridges Programs.

2022-23 Bridges PL Dates

Online Course (6 Modules)

ENL/Content-area teacher teams attend 6 dynamic synchronous sessions, as well as a follow-up coaching. Asynchronous tasks are assigned between sessions to build on instruction and encourage classroom application. 


  • Training on intake & assessment protocols for SIFE.
  • Practical methods for understanding SIFE learners in their classrooms.
  • Key instructional and social-emotional learning (SEL) strategies that can be used in ENL and content-area literacy classrooms.
  • Key collaboration methods to effective partnership among content and ENL teachers, counselors and administrators, and families, where applicable.

Registration is closed for the 2023-24 school year

NY state educators who meet the criteria above are eligible to attend the free, NYSED-sponsored course, October 12, 2023- December 14, 2023.

We will share the link to the application in September 2023!

To purchase the course for your district, please see the course flyer and email [email protected].

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Implementing the Bridges curriculum looks different in each school context. We partner with schools so that we gain a better understanding for the way teams identify and resolve challenges. We use these insights to develop stronger partnerships that keep the focus on professional learning and student growth.

General support begins with guidance around intake and programming and individual consultancies. For a small group of schools, we offer more individualized support through a series of targeted visits. These visits focus on supporting the school team to address a problem of practice in their school context. It can range from streamlining the intake and programming process to supporting classroom teachers with Bridges instruction.

In addition, we host periodic intervisitations to help educators deepen their understanding of instruction for SIFE with Developing Literacy.

Every year we partner with schools to host labsites. Coaches make monthly visits to schools to support the implementation of the Bridges curriculum and foster reflective practice. These face-to-face visits are supplemented by weekly online coaching sessions.

Read more about our intervisitations with Labsite partners here [LINK].

Developing teacher leaders is an important part of our work on Bridges. These culminating workshops feature teacher leaders’ best practices from teaching students remote and hybrid learning environments. Teachers share a lesson, brief video of instruction, and/or student work connected to a theme from Bridges professional development training. Participants have time to ask questions and share their own classroom experiences related to the topic.