Orientation to Bridges Programs

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The Orientation to Bridges Programs series is designed to introduce teachers and administrators of SIFE and Newcomer learners in New York State to our programs, and to help guide questions around implementation. We will answer common questions, such as:


Who can use Bridges resources?

What are the requirements for implementing Bridges programs?

How can teachers and administrators leverage the intake process for SIFE and Newcomers?


We provide 2 hours of CTLE credit (upon request) for the full completion of the Orientation to Bridges.

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Register here for the next live webinar with Q&A held on February 6, from 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.

To download a copy, please click on the flyer.

Introduction & the Bridges Learner (16:03)

Through profiles of six students, this video provides an in-depth look at SIFE learners. It explores the unique learning challenges that SIFE face, the strengths they bring to their schools and communities, and considers the supports they may need. Time codes for the various sections are provided below.


Click here to watch video

Curricular Resources & Programs (14:53)

The Curricular Resources & Programs video provides an introduction to Bridges courses and curricular offerings.


Click here to watch video

Intake & Assessment for SIFE (5:23)

Examining real case scenarios, this video provides a deeper look at the intake and assessment process and offers guiding questions to help schools develop strategies for programming.


Click here to watch video

Now that you have registered and watched all pre-orientation videos, please complete the assessment here

After completing all steps 1 through 3 and attending the live Q&A session via Zoom, you’ll be granted temporary access to Bridges instructional materials to see if they meets the needs of your students.

*If your school decides to implement a Bridges program, you will continue to have access to the materials.