The Academic and Emotional Resiliency of High School Students with Interrupted Formal Education:

A Mixed Methods Approach to Examining SIFE with Developing Literacy


Developing Responsive Classroom and School Communities for Students with Interrupted Education: NNER October 2018

Presenters: Dr. Lisa Auslander & Magdalen Beiting

Dr. Lisa Auslander and Maggie Beiting led a discussion asking participants to consider the SIFE experience. Attendees of the talk read direct quotes from students, teachers, and administrators to get a better understanding of the emotional impact this experience has on all those it touches.

Some of the questions attendees considered were:

  • How can a student’s life outside of the classroom impact his/her learning in the classroom?
  • What are some potential setbacks SIFE might bring with them into their context?
  • What are ways we can provide access to SIFE in our classrooms and schools to create a more democratic, safe learning environment?

Click to read the full list of quotes.