School Partnerships

School Partnerships

Bridges to Academic Success partners with schools and districts to serve SIFE and multilingual newcomer learners by providing instructional resources, programming, and professional learning. Collaborating educators participate in our professional learning and contribute further to communities of practice through these partnerships. As a project, we conduct research and evaluation to identify innovative ways our partner schools are using Bridges resources.*

We design our partnership goals based on the specific strengths and needs of individual schools. As a result, each school partnership looks different. These following school partnerships demonstrate how we work with different school contexts to best serve their SIFE and newcomer learners.

Facilitating Teacher Collaboration with
Skaneateles High School in Skaneateles, NY & Cazenovia High School in Cazenovia, NY

After being connected by the Bridges Team, ENL/ELA teachers, Heidi Lloyd and Dana Cole, work together with a Bridges coach to adapt Bridges instructional resources for their similar communities with small numbers of SIFE learners. They have become teacher leaders in their communities. View a sample Skaneateles student portfolio and a sample Cazenovia student portfolio.

Heidi Lloyd, Bridges ENL/ELA teacher & Bridges student

Teacher & Student Reflections

“Thank you for creating and sharing this amazing program. I encourage teachers and administrators to take advantage of what Bridges offers. Together we are making a difference in the lives of these incredible kids!”  – Heidi Lloyd

“When you give me some work I say, I can’t do it. It’s so hard. Last week I can do it for myself. I learned more English & how to read, speak & write faster.  I feel happy & comfortable. I want to tell others that I know more.” – Student’s reflection on his Bridges portfolio

Dana Cole, Bridges ENL/ELA teacher

Teacher & Student Reflections

“I am so happy I was connected to the Bridges curriculum. It is comprehensive, accompanied by wonderful support from the Bridges team. Not only are my students benefiting from the lessons that build on each other so beautifully, but I am growing professionally as an educator, learning from the Bridges team throughout the implementation.”  – Dana Cole

“This year I learned how to use vocabulary sheets and transition words. Next year I am going to try harder to use more English.” – Student reflection

Inspiring Teacher Leaders at Brentwood High School in Brentwood, NY

Bridges has been partnering with Brentwood High School since 2016 to create welcoming and rigorous learning communities for their SIFE learners, as well as hosting intervisitations for educators throughout the state.  Nafiye Atay and Katherine Coreas are featured Bridges teacher leaders.

Nafiye Atay, Bridges ENL/ELA teacher & Bridges students

Teacher Reflections

Bridges and Brentwood worked together to  facilitate an intervisitation at Brentwood High School. Here is what other Bridges teachers said after observing Nafiye’s GRW lesson: 

“Nafiye is my hero. She sets the expectation that everyone participates, and students do! It is very helpful for me to see teacher leaders ‘in action’.” 

“I love watching Nafiye teach!” 

“Nafiye’s students were able to incorporate transition words without her prompting the students. That practice was set up already. It was awesome!” 

Katherine Coreas, Bridges Spanish HLA teacher

Teacher Reflections

Katherine was one of the first teachers to pilot the Bridges Spanish HLA curriculum a few years ago. She explains, “Thanks to Bridges, my students have more self-confidence when reading and writing. They even apply what they learn in HLA to what they’re learning in their ENL classes since the majority of the skills and protocols go hand in hand between both courses.”

Bridges and Brentwood worked together to  facilitate an intervisitation at Brentwood High School. Here’s what a few of the teachers who attended had to say:

“I feel inspired to get to the level of the classes we have seen, and to become as experienced as these wonderful teachers at Brentwood!”

I was very excited with all the teaching + learning that took place…I would like to thank Bridges and especially the Brentwood School District to have given us the opportunity to learn about this program + allowing us to visit your classes.”

Building a Bridges Math Model at Henry Wells Middle School in Brewster, NY

Bridges collaborated with Karen Dakin to develop a model math classroom that continues to inspire and instruct new teachers as they begin the Bridges math program in their SIFE and newcomer classrooms. A Look Inside Bridges Math.

Karen Dakin, ENL Teacher and Teacher Leader

Teacher & Student Reflections

“The Bridges Math Curriculum has not only given my students the content math area skills that they need, I think it has given them so much more. The units have given my students confidence in math and prepared them for high school.” – Karen Dakin

“Aprendí mucho a cómo resolver problemas de división o fracciones, multiplicación.” 

“I learned a lot about how to solve problems of division, fractions and multiplication.” – Student reflection

“En el pre-assessment entendía un poco, empecé en 27%  y en el post-assessment tuve 86%. Pienso que progrese mucho.” – Student reflection

“In the pre-assessment I understood a little, I started at 27% and in the post-assessment I had 86%. I think I progressed a lot.” – Student reflection

For a full video of Karen’s students, click here.

Guiding Co-Teaching Teams at John Jay High School in Wappingers Falls, NY

Bridges has guided the co-teaching team of Deanne Archibald, ENL, and Carol Tarby, Math, to apply their different areas of expertise to a partnership that is building a strong math foundation with their SIFE and newcomer learners. 

Deanne Archibald, ENL Teacher
Carol Tarby, Math Teacher

Student Reflections

“Realmente, me ayuda cuando mi maestras de matemáticas viendo cuando hacen ejemplos.” 

“Really, my math teachers help me most when I see them work out the examples.”

“Pay attention because this class is very important. It will help you a lot next year when you are in Algebra like me.”

Innovating Interdisciplinary Connections at International Community High School in Bronx, NY

Bridges supported Ivonne Mora’s initial implementation of the Bridges ENL/ELA program in 2018 and continues to support Ms. Mora as she inspires SIFE and newcomer learners to express their creativity while engaging in rigorous study.  Sample Innovating with Song ICHS.

Ivonne Mora, ENL Teacher with her students' "All About Me" summaries

Student Reflections

“Ms. Ivonne explains words to me that I don’t know and translates them for me.”

“She gives me help when I don’t understand what to read.” 

See here for innovating with song lyrics – finding evidence

Engaging SIFE Learners at Lower East Side Preparatory High School in New York, NY

Bridges began partnering with Salena Feit on implementing the ENL/ELA program in 2019. More recently, we have collaborated on strengthening academic routines and structures to increase SIFE  interaction and independence

View student work: Sample student portfolio 1 and Sample student portfolio 2.

Salena Feit, ENL/ELA & Special Education Teacher

Teacher & Student Reflections

“Teaching the Bridges curriculum is one of the biggest challenges I have taken on, but it has been so rewarding to see the progress in my students.” – Salena Feit

“I feel proud because in the second test, I can write in English and that means that I am learning little by little. I know that it is a bit difficult for me to write about water, but I do everything I can.” – Student reflection on Unit 3 pre & post assessments

Spearheading a Bridges Program with Spanish HLA at Hempstead High School in Hempstead, NY

After working with Bridges coaches to increase student interaction around engaging Spanish texts, Beatriz Caban, HLA teacher, and Michell Pineda, Director of Bilingual Education & World Languages, continue to partner with Bridges to bring more of our resources to their high school community. 

Beatriz Caban, Spanish HLA teacher showing her students' work

Teacher & Administrator Reflections

I appreciate all the constructive feedback and recommendations. There are so many SLIFE students at the high school and middle school and my goal is to better serve each and every one of my students with the instructional support that they need and deserve.” – Beatriz Caban

“[The coaching report helped me to] know what to do for next steps with all the teachers, and understand how the coaching work is organized around a goal.” – Michelle Pineda, Director of Bilingual Education & World Languages

Transforming Learning for SIFE at Edison Career & Technology High School in Rochester, NY

Bridges has been partnering with Kyla Harris since 2019 to set up model ENL/ELA and Math classes for SIFE using Bridges instructional resources.  “It is exciting to see how Bridges is not only helping SIFE [in my classes] but is also inspiring teachers and administrators in other programs.” View Student Reflections on Bridges Courses.

Kyla Harris, ENL Teacher, with her Bridges students

Teacher Reflections

 “Before the Rochester City School District started using the Bridges curriculum we had nothing for our SIFE students, let alone for SIFE with developing literacy.” SIFE were placed in mainstream Stand-alone ENL classes with other students who had higher levels of education in their home countries, but found learning another language more difficult than their peers.

Bridges math, ENL and ENL/ELA helps my students bridge the gaps in where they are when they come to us, and where they need to be in order to be successful in high school. By mid-year my students start feeling confident in using what they have learned with their Bridges class in their bilingual classes and monolingual classes. They are excited when they can carry on conversations with their peers in English. The transformation from where they were when they first started, to the end of the school year, is amazing to see.” – Kyla Harris