Bridges-CUNY Newcomer ELA/ELD Program


Teacher Professional Learning

The Bridges-CUNY Newcomer Program professional learning course is designed for teachers who are implementing the Bridges-CUNY ELA/ELD Curriculum for SLIFE & Newcomer Learners with up to a 6th grade level of home language literacy. The course includes both professional learning modules and office hours. The modules are designed to orient cohort members to the curriculum and key tools used in its implementation. Office hours include applied learning tasks and individualized support.

Module 1

Facilitating Getting Started

All modules available via synchronous Zoom facilitation or asynchronous self-paced learning. 

  • Guided introduction to the Bridges-CUNY Newcomer Program ELA/ELD curriculum and assessments
  • High level overview of the structure of all 3 units
  • Walkthrough of Unit 1, including layout of the lessons
  • Set the foundation for using a data-informed approach in making instructional decisions

Module 1 Office Hour | September to October

  • Navigation of materials including Teacher Planning Guide
  • Administration of pre-assessments

Module 2

Progress Monitoring Using the Bridges Writing Rubric

All modules available via synchronous Zoom facilitation or asynchronous self-paced learning. 

  • Orientation to the Bridges Writing Rubric in assessing student writing at the word, sentence,
  • and paragraph level
  • Practice norming with student work samples
  • Practice giving feedback during student conferencing based on norming of student work
  • Make connections between the the rubric and the curriculum for use with students

Module 2 Office Hour | October to November

  • Norming with the Bridges Writing Rubric using teacher-provided student work

Module 3

Using Instructional Protocols to Advance Listening and Speaking Skills

All modules available via synchronous Zoom facilitation or asynchronous self-paced learning. 

  • Learn how progress monitoring tools are used to inform instructional next steps
  • Deep dive into an instructional protocol to integrate academic routines into the classroom
  • Explore additional instructional protocols integrated in the curriculum

Module 3 Office Hour | December to January

  • Norming using the Speaking Rubric using teacher-provided student recordings
  • Norming using the Academic Discourse Rubric using teacher-provided student recordings

Module 4

Reflection and Looking Ahead

All modules available via synchronous Zoom facilitation or asynchronous self-paced learning. 

  • Teachers and administrators provide feedback on their experience using the pilot program
  • Share out of best practices and student artifacts
  • Plan forward for the next school year based on lessons learned

Module 4 Office Hour | February to March

  • Plan for small group instruction and conferencing on reading and writing

Leadership Consultations

School and district leaders play a vital role in implementing a successful Bridges Newcomer Program. In these sessions, a Bridges leader meets with school and/or district leader(s) to discuss intake and programming, instructional implementation and supports to build a successful program within the context of their setting.