The Bridges to Academic Success team has been working in tandem with the Bilingual Education Department at Brentwood High School to implement the Bridges curriculum that fosters English language acquisition in reading, writing, and speaking for SIFE with Developing Literacy (SDL) during the 2016-2017 school year. . This partnership between Brentwood teachers and Bridges involved professional development around implementation of the curriculum, as well as ongoing coaching and professional development to help the teachers feel at ease with using the resources and have support in their pedagogical practice.
One of the unique and culminating aspects of this year’s Bridges training was an inter-visitation at their schools with visitors from other schools who also serve a SIFE population. In March of 2017,, Brentwood High School hosted teachers and administrators from all over Long Island who came and observed the Bridges teachers implementing the curriculum. The guests observed teaching from both Integrated ELA and Stand-alone ENL classes, as well as classrooms that featured Native Language Arts instruction. Overall, the Brentwood staff spoke with the visitors about different aspects of the training and curriculum that they could use to improve the quality of SIFE instruction in their schools.