Module 1 | Leading for Multilingual Learner Access | Jul 15, 12-3:00PM
Participants reflect on their personal journeys in language and literacy leadership. Facilitators introduce levers for multilingual learner success and set a roadmap for the course.Participants analyze a case study to inform their practice.
Module 2 | Instructional Teams for Multilingual Learner Success | Jul 17, 12-3:00PM
The focus of the session will be on why instructional teams matter for MLLs Participants will identify effective practices in leading culturally and linguistically responsive instructional teams. Participants analyze team scenarios and inventory their own strengths and areas of improvement in leading instructional teams.
Module 3 | Emotional Learning into Classrooms and Schools with a Focus on the Multilingual Learner Experience | Jul 24, 12-3:00PM
Facilitators familiarize participants with concepts of SEL and trauma-informed instruction with specific implications for MLLs, particularly newcomers. Participants reflect on their own experiences of SEL and use case studies to consider ways to integrate SEL strategies into instruction and whole-school approaches.
Module 4 | Shifting from Margin to Center – Developing Data Systems for MLLs | Jul 29, 12-3:00PM
Participants build awareness and reflect on how data systems can inform decision making and build a holistic and more precise/more diagnostic understanding of to respond to the needs of multilingual learners. The course explores tools that support building more culturally and linguistically responsive data practices. Participants inventory their current systems for capturing and sharing English learner data in their school or district.
Module 5 | The Role of leadership in Building Multilingual Learner Success | Jul 30, 12-3:00PM
Participants will study leadership vignettes and reflect on leadership skills required to serve multilingual learners. Participants will also reflect on how to implement the levers described in the course for building MLL success. They will develop an action plan for future use, utilizing what they have learned in the course.