Intake and Assessment

Here we provide some guidance on intake and assessment for SIFE and LL SIFE in order to better support schools in making programming decisions, particularly those that impact programming a Bridges class.

We provide two different documents to guide your process of intake and assessment.

The first one is a general overview document that includes information on the assessments NYSED uses for SIFE identification which can also be found on their website. This also includes a suggested timeline for administration of the general assessment for all ELLs and then SIFE specifically in reading comprehension, writing and family and education background.

The second document provides resources to guide additional support for formative and classroom assessment of students in addition to a suggestion for assessment in languages other than those available through the MLS.  In addition, we provide a checklist to help in observing students around foundational literacy behaviors in both reading comprehension and writing in home language, in case you have to do your own assessment in a different home language than the ones provided by your district.

These are meant to be guiding documents only and used in conjunction with other kinds of resources and data you may have about your students.

Finally, we support you and your team in creating a strategic assessment plan for SIFE in your school. For more information or to participate in a webinar, refer to the Bridges Program Orientation page.

Additional Assessment Resources

Please refer to these links for additional intake resources:

Please follow the link below to access the newly released webinar on the Multilingual SIFE Screener (MLS)